News Archive: 2001 |
05 December 2001 You might have noticed it....this site looks a whole lot different now..! I'm changing it bit by bit. It is still not finished, but most things are online again. I hope to have everything back online in January. The site has also moved from Crosswinds to Zon. Zon is a dutch provider. They offer 20 MB webspace, but that is just to small for this website, so I've split it up. What I mean is that the site is on two accounts at Zon, so I've got 40 MB webspace. And they don't have those annoying pop-up screens :-) I've read recently that Lene's new album should be released in January next year. I'm really excited about it. I will hope it will end high in the charts in every country around the world. That was the news update sofar... |
16 September 2001 Finally I worked on this site again :-) It's still quiet around Lene, so I don't have any news about her. I've updated the discography-section. I recently bought two other versions of the 'Playing My Game' album and I've added those to the discography-section. That is all the news I got sofar. I'm thinking of designing a new version for this site, but thats just a thought. I'am not working on it....yet. That's all I can do, because I don't hear anything about Lene. Maybe that would mean that she puts all her time in her new album. All we can do is wait for that album, but I think that it will be a verry verry good album. |
30 June 2001 I would like to give you news about Lene, but there is no news to report at the moment. Lene is verry bussy recording her new album. The album might be released this year or otherwise it will be in stores at the beginning of 2002. I'm really looking foward to her new album. Hopefully it will give her more publicity. least in the Netherlands, because she isn't as famous as in some other countries. |
28 March 2001 Lene Marlin has officially moved to Oslo now, although Tromso is still where her family lives. She moved into a new apartment in February near her old apartment, but needed a place with more room. Dagbladet, a norwegian daily paper, is reporting that Lene Marlin earned around 44 million kroner (4.8 million US dollars) on her debut album, her singles, and other album related income so far. Lene is busy writing songs towards her next album, and will be releasing one sometime in the future. No exact dates are known yet. |
28 March 2001 Lene Marlin's new album is at best, expected to release sometime during the year. However, the talented young girl has already been promised an 15 million advance for her new album by Virgin Records even though she has not begun recording yet, but rumors says the material is just as good or even better than her debut album. (15 million Norwegian kroners is approximately $1,6 million.) |
27 February 2001 Unfortunatly Lene didn't won an award at the Britawards yesterday. She was nominated for 'Best International Newcomer'. It was a though competition, but it's still sad that she didn't win. Let's hope the best for next year!! You can check out these sites for all the winners: --> DotMusic --> |
20 February 2001 I have updated the discography-section with a lot more promotinal singles. One of them is verry special. It's a japanese promo for Unforgivable Sinner. It has a wonderfull booklet with it. It's my favorite single sofar. Besides this there isn't much news around Lene at the moment. The Brit Awards are comming closer. Just a few days and we will know if Lene will win an award. I'll keep my fingers crossed!! |
22 January 2001 Unfortunatly Lene did not won an award at the NRJ Music Awards. I was trying to get some pictures for you from these awards with Lene on them offcourse, but it seemed that Lene wasn't at the awards. She wants to stay out of the spotlights untill her next album, so she won't be at the Brit Awards eighter. I can understand her position right now. She wants to take it easy for a while. She never knew that her first album would be such a big succes. That kindda came like a verry big suprise. She now knows what it is to be a big star, so she gets more time to do nice things now. I hope Lene will release a great second album and I wish her lots of success for this album and for the Brit Awards on 28 February! I've added a new picture on the pictures page in the live section. |
18 January 2001 As many UK fans have realized, the "Where I'm Headed" video was not on the latest single release in the UK. The intention at Virgin was to include this video as part of the release. It was unfortunately not included due to some last minute complications, the UK video version will not be included in the future. You might noticed that this site has been unreachable for some time. It was verry irritating, but the provider, where this site is hosted, was updating. That's also the reason that I couldn't give you the latest news, so you might have read the news above on some other site(s). You can go to to get more information about Lene's new single 'Where I'm Headed'. Lene has also been nominated for a Brit Award..!! The biggest and most important awards in the UK. She is nominated for best international newcomer. Visit the Brit Awards website to find out more ( Unfortunatly you can't vote in the catagory where Lene is nominated, so let's keep our fingers crossed!! |
03 January 2001 First of all I wish everybody a happy and healthy 2001..!! Lene's new single (Where I'm Headed) has been released on the first of January. You can buy it at Amazon ( The single contains the Where I'm Headed song, the Phil Bodger Remix Edit, the song 'So I See' and the Where I'm Headed video! You can also vote for Lene at the NRJ music awards in the catagory 'best new artist'. Click here to vote! |