Ben, Jerry and the King…


Yeah… right. What do those people have in common… It’s quite easy. First let’s start with Ben and Jerry. They make icecream… and what kind of icecream. The best in the world! Our local supermarket (Albert Heijn) had a special offer on those big buckets of ice. I took two of them home. ‘Fiossil Fuel’ and ‘New York Super Fudge Chunk’.

The King is ‘The King of Queens‘. A great series. I’m just watching all seasons. I’m now only half way season 1. So 7 more to go. It’s sad that they stopped with this series. I just love… In fact I would like to trade with Doug. Looks a great job to me. Delivering packages to people and have such a great woman like Carrie.

Did you knew that her father (Athur in the serie) is in fact in real life the father of Ben Stiller?